My drops take place whenever a new series is completed and I feel like it´s time to go public. Approximately you will catch a drop once in a quarter. To stay posted and not miss a drop you can join my Whatsapp and email group or keep checking my Instagram channel. This approach allows me to pre-inform the people who are really interested in my work and also love being part of an art community. It thereby increase their chance of catching one of the pieces.

The price per work is increased from drop to drop by 100€ giving advantage to the early supporters. And yes, this means I sold the first pieces for 1€. My deep conviction is, that in art mutual endorsement is key – which means I am giving access to my art to everyone who is enthusiastic about it, disregarding what´s happening on the secondary market.


Due to the very limited number of originals I do not sell my work in the conventional way. As I work in series, to concentrate on just one specific pattern and colour scheme, I sell my work in drops. In those drops I normally sell the entire series online with just a few exceptions such as exhibitions or cooperations.


Due to the very limited number of originals I do not sell my work in the conventional way. As I work in series, to concentrate on just one specific pattern and colour scheme, I sell my work in drops. In those drops I normally sell the entire series online with just a few exceptions such as exhibitions or cooperations.

My drops take place whenever a new series is completed and I feel like it´s time to go public. Approximately you will catch a drop once in a quarter. To stay posted and not miss a drop you can join my Whatsapp and email group or keep checking my Instagram channel. This approach allows me to pre-inform the people who are really interested in my work and also love being part of an art community. It thereby increase their chance of catching one of the pieces.

The price per work is increased from drop to drop by 100€ giving advantage to the early supporters. And yes, this means I sold the first pieces for 1€. My deep conviction is, that in art mutual endorsement is key – which means I am giving access to my art to everyone who is enthusiastic about it, disregarding what´s happening on the secondary market.


